For information email: Plymouth Keys

Order Plymouth Keys

Plymouth Keys ordering process is fast and easy. You will need a few pieces of information before starting the ordering process with Plymouth Keys:

1. Complete year, make and model of the Plymouth you want keys for.

2. Complete 17 digit VIN for the Plymouth you want keys for.

3. Vehicle Registration for the Plymouth you want keys for.

4. Your drivers license. You must be named on the Plymouth's registration.

5. Do you need a Plymouth duplicate key or a Plymouth Replacement key? Read below for details

Select your Plymouth's year from the drop down menu and click on the Paypal button to start your order.

Plymouth Duplicate Keys VS Plymouth Replacement Keys

If you order a Plymouth duplicate key from Plymouth keys, your old keys will still continue to unlock and drive your Plymouth. Plymouth duplicate keys are NOT recommended if your Plymouth's keys were lost or stolen. All Plymouth duplicate keys are $50 plus shipping.

If you order a Plymouth replacement key from Plymouth keys, your old keys will no longer start your Plymouth. The old keys will still unlock the doors but they will no longer start your Plymouth. Plymouth replacement keys are recommended if your Plymouth keys were lost or stolen. All Plymouth replacement keys are $50 plus shipping.